Sunday, July 17, 2011

Back from Vacation~

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted.  The last few weeks before I left for vacation were so hectic, I couldn't get everything done that I wanted.  But the best news is, my black hair is gone!

Two and a half years ago I cut all my hair off because back then I did not take care of it.  It was so unhealthy, so I decided it was time for a fresh start.  My hair was so short, I cried for hours over it!  But it had to be done.  I wore wigs for several months, until it was long enough for me to style.  And even then it was very short! 

I still have a while to go until the length is perfect, but I'm finally happy with the color!

My flower garland tutorial is halfway done, please wait a little longer for it~!